Full of things that have never been.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
2008 saw Mettler Portraits make a bit of a splash. (hopefully not flash, as in, the pan) For the first time I had work appear in an exhibit. I also was able to see one of my images published in a Best of Photography annual. It was a great year and it's bittersweet to see it end, but 2009 is a new year that has already brought things that have never been; the opportunity to participate in the National Charity Model Search and my trip to Arizona to meet Anne Geddes. 2009 promises change and the chance for adventure and so I look forward to what will be.
The New Year brings excitement for one my of my clients as well. The photograph below is one of my favorites and at the (very) last minute I entered it into a contest. For this little sweetie, this will be the year she appears in a book. (a second publication for me) Wouldn't it be wonderful if the next big news I announce is one of my clients winning the $5,000 savings bond for the National Charity Model Search?!
For those of us in the Midwest, January is still a time for hot chocolate and fires in the hearth. The snow is still falling and the temperature can chill your soul. So no matter where you live, surround yourself with those you love, count your blessings, close your eyes and dream big, our futures await!