In every way, under every aspect, in every season, Spring, Winter, Summer, Autumn, this little enclosure exhaled melancholy, contemplation, solitude, liberty, the absence of man, the presence of God, and the old rusty gating appeared to say: This garden is mine.
-Victor Hugo
While to the contrary, Floribunda is not mine at all but open to the public, it did seem to call my name as I drove by the other day. Have you ever been to Floribunda? If you have you understand why it makes me think of the above quote. It is a beautiful nursery located at 2093 Collins Road in Oswego. The plants for sale are displayed under a canopy of leaves from the surrounding trees and tucked in and around the perennial plants that grow on the property.
It is also the site of one of my upcoming photo sessions. The owner of Floraibunda, Nancy, has graciously allowed me to use her nursery as the beautiful backdrop for my latest undertaking.
I am looking for little models. If you have a little girl or know one who likes to dress up and wears a 4t or 5t please contact me through the website below. The dates for the photo shoot are yet to be determined. If you would like to get an idea of the type of work this will be you may see "The Root Children" at my website under galleries. http://www.mettlerportraits.com/
If you are interested in some new plants for your yard, check out Floribunda.
Wed., Fri....10-5
You may hear the rusty gate call your name too.
-Victor Hugo
While to the contrary, Floribunda is not mine at all but open to the public, it did seem to call my name as I drove by the other day. Have you ever been to Floribunda? If you have you understand why it makes me think of the above quote. It is a beautiful nursery located at 2093 Collins Road in Oswego. The plants for sale are displayed under a canopy of leaves from the surrounding trees and tucked in and around the perennial plants that grow on the property.
It is also the site of one of my upcoming photo sessions. The owner of Floraibunda, Nancy, has graciously allowed me to use her nursery as the beautiful backdrop for my latest undertaking.
I am looking for little models. If you have a little girl or know one who likes to dress up and wears a 4t or 5t please contact me through the website below. The dates for the photo shoot are yet to be determined. If you would like to get an idea of the type of work this will be you may see "The Root Children" at my website under galleries. http://www.mettlerportraits.com/
If you are interested in some new plants for your yard, check out Floribunda.
Wed., Fri....10-5
You may hear the rusty gate call your name too.
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