Tuesday, June 5, 2012

"Yes I said yes I will Yes. "

Yes, I'm a cry baby. I've been a little emotional these days because my baby, yes I still think of all 3 of them as my babies, is no longer in junior high. In this weakened state I opened an email with the above picture. The tears rolled down my cheeks as I saw my images hanging in her home. How lucky she is. Part of me envies her. She is in the midst of all those precious days that are now, for me, the memories I try so hard not to let fade. I know that I too am fortunate though. My "little one" will not go with me to see the new Disney Pixar movie Brave but we did go together to pick out the dress for her 8th grade formal. A day I've dreamed about since the paper in the envelope from the ultra sound tech said girl 94%. It brings me so much joy to be able to watch all these new families grow. It doesn't seem that long ago that we brought our own little daughter home from the hospital and now she is going to high school. If you felt a little pang in your heart when you read this let it serve as a reminder. Don't forget to have your family portraits taken even if you don't come to me. Get them scheduled. Repeat after me, I will yes.

Happy Summer!

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